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Neighbourhood Return Project


Can you help?

Someone in our immediate area with memory problems has registered with Neighbourhood Return and they are looking for local volunteers who might be able to help search for them, should they ever go missing.

Neighbourhood Return is a free service using local volunteer searchers to help find people with memory problems, including dementia, who have gone missing or ‘wandering’. It aims to reduce the worries of carers and help people with memory problems to remain at home in familiar surroundings and as part of their community, for as long as possible.



What does it involve?

It isn’t a regular commitment, you may be rarely called to help but if you are, you could help to save the life of a vulnerable person. If you are away or not available to help when we contact you just tell us. To volunteer for the service you must have a mobile phone which is regularly charged and has credit on it.

More information is available on our website.

If you are a member of NeighbourhoodAlert, you can register there. If you have forgotten your password you can be sent a reminder.

Once you are logged in:

  1. In the left hand menu click “message settings”

  2. Click on information providers

  3. Tick Neighbourhood Return

This will take you to a page that requires some additional information that they need to provide to their funders.

Once you have saved this information you will be joined to Neighbourhood Return.

Any questions? Ring Deborah Ginns, Service Manager, Neighbourhood Return on 07584 051 004.

Based on information supplied by Deborah Hextall (Police, NHW & Community Messaging Co-ordinator, Cherwell LPA)


Page owner: C. Fleet

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